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City Lights


The little old lady sat on the porch of the farmhouse
The little old lady rocked back and forth and crocheted
Oh, listen to the crickets!
Look at the rooster!
Smell the hay, I told her
And see the pretty little egg that the hen just laid

The little old lady took off her glasses and squinted
And how she responded literally had me floored
She said, it's nice to meet someone who appreciates
The beauty that nature initiates
I mean, it's sweet to hear
But me, my dear...
I'm truly bored!

I miss those city lights
Those sparkling city lights
Those twinkling city lights
Blurring my eyes

I love those city nights
Oh, the color of city sights
That shine under city lights
Tinting the skies

New mown hay gives me hay fever
There's the rooster
Where's my cleaver?
So laid back, my mind might crack
And when the thresher's up
My pressure's up

City lights, oh I long for the city lights
The bulbs of those beaming brights
Beckoning me there, be there!

Take your crickets and go shove 'em!
Urban crises, how I love 'em!
Grime and grit and pretty city lights!

Walkin' lanes to pick a daisy
That could drive a person crazy
Homemade bread lays here like lead
And Polly's peach preserves
Oh please, my nerves!

City lights, oh I long for those city lights
The bulbs of those beaming brights
Beckoning me there, hey, be there!
Stys and stables sure are smelly
Let me sniff some kosher deli
Brightly lit by pretty city lights

Pluck your lily of the valley
Let me sally up some alley
Dimly lit by pretty city lights

Country air means zilch to me
I won't breathe nothin' I can't see
So, let me quit and hit those pretty city lights
Oh, hit them cityyyyyyyyyyy
Take me home, Blaise!
City lights! Love them lights!