LIZA: (spoken) Oh I forgot...
For eighteen years, I've had this friend
This friend whose given me no end
Of encouragement and love
It's possible you know who it is I'm speaking of
So great is her fame
Most everyone knows her name
From Timbuktu to Yokohama
And for the few
Who still haven't found a clue
Her name is Mama
LIZA: (spoken) You know, all the time, people come up to me and they say, "Judy Garland being called MAMA?" And all the time I say, "Mama being called Judy Garland?" It's just not right, is it? But I have no ordinary, normal kind of mother. I mean, she was born in a trunk! She's got this rainbow fetish! I don't know what to do. But, there's something I've always wanted to do. Through the years, there've been so many sungs you've song...sung just for me. Songs you've sung...
I've wanted to sing out to you
Why go your way by yourself
When you can take me along
Take me along
Take me along, please do!
Then I can be you, with you
While doing a show
And we can sing, we two
The songs we love so
Me and my mama
I'm realizing a dream
Always hoped we might work as a team
Picture me upon her knee
When I was at the age of three
Hoping someday I'd grow up to be like you
Certain things that I do
Remind people of you
Oh, I don't know why
The way, the way we wear our hair
And always sing on-key
JUDY: (spoken) We're lucky!
We make a perfect pair
And they just can't take that away from me
No, they can't take that away cos
Just like you, Mama
I love a piano
I love a piano
I love to hear somebody play
Forget your fiddle, throw away your bow
Give me a P-I-A-N-O oh oh!
I love to stop right
Beside an upright
Or high-toned baby grand
Why face beyond, oh
Why see the world on your own
From now on, you can count on me
If you'll agree to
Take me along
Take me along
LIZA: (spoken) You like this? I can do this too.
Take me along with
Singin' hallelujah
Your little baby is comin' to ya!
Mama, mama
I'd trade a million votes
For one of those notes
From mama, mama...
JUDY: (spoken) Frances?!
JUDY: (spoken) Great Scott!
LIZA: (spoken) I hope this is the right song after all that!
JUDY: (spoken) I do too. Wouldn't it be terrible? But, you don't care anyway. Cos we like each other!
LIZA: (spoken) Yes!
JUDY: (spoken) Yes. Alright. Shall we?